Our program is ready. Welcome to Imatra

14. International Black and White Theatre Festival in Imatra 7.-11.6.2017. Theme of the festival: “All the world`s a stage”

Art director of the festival: Kamran Shahmardan

International Black and White Theatre Festival,that has been held annually since 2004 and will take place in Finland, Imatra, is the largest international festival of professional theatres in the South-East Finland and one of the most significant international theatre events in the whole Finland. Over the years, the festival rightfully has taken its place among the biggest events in the region, attracting more and more viewers and participants.

Black and White Theatre Festival has become a famous event in the field of theatre art around the world. In the whole, there have been more than 200 different plays and performances and the festival itself has featured theatre groups from 40 countries around the world.

For 13 years at the Black and White Theatre Festival we have seen different theatrical genres: dance theatre, ballet, pantomime, circus, drama, opera, puppet theatre and various street performances. The idea of ​​the festival is to show the international theatre in all its manifestations.

On the 100th anniversary of Finland’s independence, the 14th International Black and White Theatre Festival will present a festive thematic program, including theatre and circus performances, street actors and musicians, modern dances, children’s theatre, drama and cinema. Due to the symbol of the Anniversary of independence “Suomi100” (“Finland 100 years”), Imatra will have fun and celebrate with invited artists from Finland and other countries. During five days, 16 theatre from 11 countries (Argentina, Italy, Japan Canada, Greece, Germany, Finland, Switzerland, Ukraine, Russia, Estonia) will perform in Imatra . They will present 18 performances and concerts in total 33 times. Theme of the festival: “The Whole World is a Theatre”.

In the new Theatre Imatra small plays and visual theatre performance will be shown, larger performances will be held in the Culture House Virta. On the pedestrian street of Koskenparras, in the vicinity of the Culture House Virta and in the Vuoksi fishing park o- street theatre and music will be available.

1. “On the Way to the Heart” (La Strada Cuore).

“Giraffe Royal” (Royal Theatre, Estonia) – more than 25 years of specializing in street theatre performances.


2. At 19:00 in the Culture House Virta in the Karelia Hall will take place the opening ceremony. The opening ceremony is called “Suomi 100 Tango goes White and Black”. In the first part the audience will enjoy Angelika Klas and Tanguedia Quintet with the Tango program from around the world. The rhythms of tango will be heard during the round-the-world tour of Tanguedia Quintet in Italy, Finland, Argentina, Germany, Estonia, France, – wherever tango is loved. The Virta House of Culture.


3. The second part of the ceremony will be opened by the performance of the Municipal Dance Theatre from Zaporizhia, Ukraine “White and Black”.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4KEp4Ig418

4. The musician from Imatra Hanna Saarela and the teacher of the stage movement Katja Paakki will show the musical performance “Can’t sleep! Can’t sleep!” Poem written by Kirsi Kunnas.

5. “Maurangas”.Clown Mauro Volynski Ayala from Argentina will perform on the pedestrian street of Koskenparras (Thurs-sat)


6. Italian Galiro-Lorenzo Gianmario Galli will perform (wed-sat) on the pedestrian street of Koskenparras, in the Vuoksi fishing park, as well as in the neighborhood of the Virta Culture House (and possibly inside) POOM-CHA



7. Finnish artist Reetta Honkakoski will present a play without words in the Theatre Imatra. “A Duet for One” is a nagging story about how difficult it is to be together

Reetta Honkakoski is the only mime in Finland who is able to convey the drama of the relationship with body language, rather than gestures, as in pantomime.


8. On Thursday, June 8 in the Culture House Virta will take place Concert program “pohjonen alanko”.

Ismo Alanko and Kimmo Pohjonen unite for the new project “pohjonen alanko”. In the centre of their attention – vocal experiments and sound improvisations with controlled chaos and lyrical melody, with colour effects, samples and their own instruments. The third member of the team is the sound engineer and manipulator Tuomas Norvio.


9. On Friday, 09.06 v. 18:00 in the Culture House Virta, Karelia Hall, submission of Susanna Leinonen Company SEE | OBEY – a dance show about the absurdity of life, with music of Casper Line and beautiful visual effects.

SEE | OBEY – this is also a dance film from Leinonen and Jouko Valkama, which tells three independent parallel stories about human emotions, everyday events and conflicts through the expression of dance movements.

Choreography by Susanna Leinonen


10. 19:30. “Gary goes Black and White with Summer Camp 2017”. For the first time in the history of the festival the Ice show in the Ice palace of Imatra.

11. Saturday 10.06, The Marionette Theatre  E.Demenni will show the play for children and adults “Piero and Colombine Theatre”

A musical performance without words with big puppets, with elements of clownery and pantomime.


12. In the Small Scene of the Imatra Theatre, the play “Noone’s Land”, the Greek-German Merlin Puppet Theatre will take place.

”Noone`s Land” – is a visual performance of the Merlin Puppet Theater

The dream, creativity and power of imagination against reality by scarecrow’s eyes – a lonely creature, forever pinned to one place, without the chances of changing its destiny.



13. At 18.00 in the Culture House Virta there will be a jazz concert of the Swiss Fischermanns Orchestra “Liberty-Tour 2017” The title of the tour is due to the 100th anniversary of independence of Finland –  Liberty of Finland.

Fishermanns Orchestra, while touring the world has performed both on the best stages of Europe, Russia, Colombia and in the streets.It immerses listeners in an unforgettable world of free improvisations and ready-made compositions.


14. On Sunday 11.06, the Finnish Livsmedlet-duo, a visual theatre group, will present the geographical striptease “Invisible Lands” in the Small Scene of the Theatre Imatra.

Geography and politics are intertwined and become life habits which help us to cognize reality and test it for strength by touching it . In the show “Invisible Lands” duet Livsmedlet shows a unique meeting between puppet theatre and choreography.


15. The Estonian Giraffe Royal Theater will present at 6 p,m, in the Culture Centre Virta a visual play  “Dreams of a Storyteller”

A performance is in the traditions of white clownery, a rare genre, subtle and refined, now almost disappeared. In the formation of the image of the performance intertwined:



16. The festival will be completed by the world-famous Finnish theatre W-H-S’s  circus show Lähtö / Départ in the Theatre Imatra .

W-H-S Theatre is the most successful and well-known group of visual theatres in Finland. Inspired by scenic stunts of the illusionists of the 19th century, Nio creates a mysterious atmosphere in which absurdist humor and tragedy take turns. Directed by: Kalle Nio.


Welcome to Imatra!

Kamran Shahmardan
Art director of the Festival and the Theatre of Black and White

The whole program is  on our website: www.blackandwhitetheatre.net