15th Black and White Theatre Festival 6.-10.6.2018
The main festival theme is ‘15 1/2`
Artistic Director Kamran Shahmardan
XV International Black and White Theatre Festival has come to its end. This year we celebrated the 15th Anniversary of Black & White Theatre Festival.
The Artistic Director of the Black and White Theatre and Theatre Festival, the Chairperson of the Theatre Community of Black and White and the Governing body of the Community would like to thank all the participants, theatres, volunteers, and, especially, all the visitors and audiences. Our special thanks is to the town of Imatra, the Arts Promotion Centre Finland, the Karelian Culture Promotion Foundation, Karelian Culture Foundation, Turcic Fund, Vuoksi Fishing Park, and all the workers and sponsors who supported our Festival.
Kamran Shahmardan
Artistic Director
Theatre of Black and White
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Programme of the Festival MV_teatterifestivaali_kasiohjelmam
19.00 Imatra 70/ Pears of Turkish World
Chamber Orchestra of Antalya State Opera and Ballet Theatre
Dede Qurgud Chamber Orchestra
Conductor Yalchin Adigezalov (AZERBAIJAN)
International Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation,
President of the Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation, Ambassador Günay Afandiyeva
Culture House Virta
Free (70 min)
Programme of the concert OHJELLMA 5.6.2018
9.30 Time for dogears, Puppet Theatre Mitima (Finland)
puppet theatre
Virasoja Kindergarden (25 min)
17.00 Slava and Friends (Estonia)
Jazz from over the world
Tanel Liiberg, Martin Petermann, Slava Mogilevtsev
Koskenparras(45 min)
20.00 Cafè Idiot
Ballet Moscow (Russia)
Culture House Virta, Karelia Hall
Duration: 80 min
Tickets 32€ – 40€. Buy Tickets
The Best contemporary dance performance of Russian National Theatre Award “Golden Mask” in 2016
«Cafe Idiot» is a co-production of the Theatre Ballet Moscow and Alexander Pepelyaev, a famous name in Russian and European contemporary dance scene.
This performance is a collection of images, ideas and reflections, based on the novel “Idiot” by Fedor Dostoevsky. It is inspired by its intriguing essence and told in the language of contemporary dance and interactive graphic arts.
Movements are the main inspiration for this performance. Movements put together feeling of time-playing, untold stories, masks and plasticity of adventurous novel and antique carnival that you can hardly see through the curtain of novel.
”Cafe Idiot” is an excellent example of visual theater. One will not recognize the plot of ”Idiot” but will understand the ideas and feelings present in it. One will not recognize the characters but will unveil their duality.
The duality is also present in the name of performance itself. ”Cafe Idiot” named after both famous Russian novel and iconic visual theatre performance “Café Müller” created by legendary Pina Bausch.
Choreography, set design: Alexander Pepelyaev (Russia-Estonia)
Music: Nik Baertsch (Switzerland) and some hit sings from the past
Costume design: Sergey Illarionov (Russia)
Light design: Andrey Rebrov (Russia)
Text performance: Magoga Machulskaya (Russia)
Dance performance: contemporary dance cast of the Theatre Ballet Moscow
17.00 Slava and Friends (Estonia)
Jazz from over the World
Tanel Liiberg, Martin Petermann, Slava Mogilevtsev
Koskenparras (45 min)
19.00 Lecture
Ugala Theatre (Estonia)
Teatteri Imatra
Duration: 90 min
Tickets 17€ – 23€. Buy Tickets
over 14 years
The Seven Deadly Sins is a theme that has been used since early Christian times to educate and instruct followers concerning `fallen man’s tendency to sin`. Through loving parody and well-choreographed slap stick comedy, the play grabs the young audience by the scruff of the neck and shakes it until it gets the message. LECTURE includes morals and music, but first and foremost it is a comedy. An educational, ironic farce with a purpose: the acute questioning of moral norms.
Teenagers, teachers and parents laugh together at the irredeemable childishness of adolescent behavior, and the well-meant stupidity of the adult characters. LECTURE not only sums up the zeitgeist, but criticizes it as well.
Translater Erni Kask
Director: Marika Palm,
Actors: Piret Krumm, Rait Õunapuu ja Kaarel Kuusk
Set and light designer: Kristjan Suits
Costumes by Neoon Must,
Lyrics by MC Lord
Musical design: Kaarel Kuusk
Coreography: Evelyn Uisk
Photos: Gabriela Mägi
9.30 Time for dogears, Nukketeatteri Mitima (Suomi)
Vuoksenniska Kindergarden (25 min)
17.00 Clown Power – clownery laboratory, Giraffe Royal Theatre (Estonia)
Street Theatre
Walking Street Koskenparras (60 min)
”… gentle and funny stories from the life of ordinary people …”
The production was based on classical masterpieces of world clownery, which reached us in the form of video, film or artistic description. The team of enthusiastic creators of the play ”took” to restore not the form of the number, but the essence and force of the impact on the public.
… Deburo, Grock, Nikulin, Charlie Rivers, …
The task of the performance is to reach the ray, the thread, the line of their creative genius to the modern spectator. The performance without words is designed for a wide social and age audience.
18.00 Imatran seurakunnan Soittokunta esiintyy
Conductor Ismo Vänskä
Walking Street Koskenparras (40 min)
19.00 Omanlaesie – The Ownkinders
Kajaani Town Theatre (Finland)
Teatteri Imatra
Duration: 60 min
Tickets 17€ – 23€. Buy Tickets
There is a region in Finland called Kainuu, a territory where The Ownkinders live. Are these people just like all the other hillbillies in the other middle-of-nowhere-places around the globe? Or do they have something special in their genes that makes them different from everyone else? An answer to this might hide in this 60-minute mixture of rootsy folk-rock music and warm-hearted stage comedy.
Screenplay and music: Jari Rättyä
Director Sanna Heikkinen
Actors: Sonja Pakalén, Helka-Maria Kinnunen ja Jari Rättyä.
Musicians: Henri Pyy, Pentti Tolvanen, Laura Hiltunen ja Jari Rättyä.
Photos: Jani Liimatta
21.00 Kolibri & Kaukomatka esittää kulkurilauluja (Finland)
Walking Street Koskkenparras (45 min)
Kolibri & Kaukomatka esittää kulkurilauluja
Kolibri & Kaukomatka -yhtye on imatralainen taiteilijapariskunta (Veera Metso ja Tommi Ollikainen), joka tarjoaa tarinallisen, visuaalisen ja musiikillisen matkan ”kaikenikäisille lapsille”. Näissä lauluissa ”matka merkitsee enemmän kuin määränpää”. Kulkurius on elämänfilosofia, jonka ytimessä on hilpeä vapaus ja kokemalla oppiminen. Kolibri & Kaukomatka on esiintymällä vienyt iloa ja välitöntä kohtaamista ihmisille mm. vanhainkodeissa, Linnanmäellä, taidenäyttelyiden avajaisissa, festivaaleilla, juhlissa, kapakoissa ja kadulla. He haluavat taiteellaan rohkaista leikkisyyttä, rehellisyyttä ja kokonaisvaltaista kokemista.
Kuvat: Jani Karlsson, Kolibri&kaukomatka ja SINFF
8.00 Valon Vuoksi – Walking 2018
Charity Walk. Lisätietoja.
Lähtö Koskenpartaalta.
12.00 Clown Power –clownery laboratory, Giraffe Royal Theatre (Estonia)
Walking Street Koskenparras (60 min)
14.00 Kolibri & Kaukomatka esittää kulkurilauluja (Suomi)
Kävelykatu Koskenparras (45 min)
16.00 Gobo. Digital Glossary
Akhe Engeneering Theatre (Russia)
Teatteri Imatra
Duration: 60 min
Tickets 20€ – 25€. Buy Tickets
Pathetical play-laboratory ”Gobo. Digital glossary” is the collection of installations and mini-performanses in one piece.
The Beckettian clowning of the AKHE theatre company from Russia consists of a series of gags while employing l laboratory of curiouse mechanisms and experiments. Mechanical toys, miniature funicular railways, stuctures in which the proverbial domino piece sets into motion a process with an astomishing end, allattracts with their ingenuity and the artists’s original sense of humour. Ostensibly unconnected scenes depict the assorted states of Gobo, the titular protagonist, whose madcap interior can be described only with oneiric collages
Direction: Yana Tumina
Design and Performed by: Maksim Isaev, Pavel Semchenko
Video Design: Oleg Mihalkov
Light: Yurii Galkin
Sound: Denis Antonov
Video: Maria Nebesnaya, Kirill Malovichko
19.00 Moscow Boys
Theatre L´Atelier (Russia)
Culture House Virta, Karelia Hall
Duration: 70 min
Tickets 25€ – 30€. Buy Tickets
About the show: Combining clownesque joy with jaw-dropping skill, a quartet of multi-talented virtuosos escapes the critical eye of their instructor and embarks on a musical journey from Tchaikovsky to Justin Timberlake, blues to latino. This simple story gains new dimensions as the boys combine a range of styles and skills to reinvent musical history and explore the seemingly infinite possibilities of their instruments. Heavily applauded by both the Russian press and audience, the MoscowBoys are ready to tackle the Tel-Aviv stage with their boundless energy and talents. Eclectic, whimsical and ever-surprising musical theatre.
About the company: Moscow Theatre L’Atelier is a producing company founded in 1993 by Elshan Mamedov who is now its artistic director. Mr Mamedov is PhD in art history. The main repertory is based on modern plays of French, U.S. and British playwrights. The actors who participate in the shows are Russian theatre and cinema\TV stars.
In 2012 the artistic director Elshan Mamedov and choreographer Igor Orshulyak brought up a new format of the musical show, which combines music, dance, pantomime, tricks. They called it ”Tapeur-show”. A casting process that lasted for several months left 4 candidates out of 90. After 3 years of success in Russia, the second show with the same cast was created and called ”MoscowBoys”.
Actors, musicians: Andrey Chaporov Viola, Alexey Zavgorodnyy Violin, Pavel Tsvetkov Violin, Grigory Goryachev Cello
Space and costumes Irina Titorenko / Sound engineer Andrey Shabalov
Idea and production: Elshan Mamedov
Plot, direction, choreography: Igor Orshulyak
Photos. Ekaterina Tsvetkova
World premiere – Edinburgh Fringe festival 8-29 August 2016
15.00 I`m Atra Imatra Jääshow, Capital Area Phoenix ry
Imatra Spa Areena
Tickets 15€/20€ (Project of Phoenix Ry:n)
18.00 ON A STRING –Sibelius with attitude
Tervamäki – Martin – Pensola – Kärkkäinen (Finland)
Culture House Virta, Karelia-Hall
Duration: 90 min (interval)
Tickets before 26€ – 37€ Buy Tickets
On a string, the first collaboration between Minna Tervamäki and Kaari Martin, is an interpretation of the Sibelius Violin Concerto. A work of many contrasts, it juxtaposes Finnish and international, tradition and modernity, the sensitive and the demonic. The women approach Sibelius via the musicality and sensitivity of flamenco and the expressive means of contemporary ballet. According to them, the Sibelius Violin Concerto conveys its message with directness and honesty, and it has a timeless, rebellious attitude.
The special live music version of Tervamäki ́s ja Martin ́s choreography On a string brings together four leading artists in their field. In this version, the dancer étoile with the Finnish National Ballet Minna Tervamäki and contemporary flamenco’s visionary Kaari Martin are accompanied with
the renowned violist Minna Pensola and the renowned pianist Heini Kärkkäinen. Each interpreting Sibelius with their own means of expression they compose together a performance where physical movement constitutes an intrinsic part of the music.
This performance joins tradition and modernity, Finnishness and internationality, sensitivity and demonic. These performing women approach Sibelius through both musicality and sensitivity of flamenco and expressions of modern ballet. According to them, the Sibelius Violin Concerto speaks to them as it’s direct and honest and has a timeless, rebellious attitude.
The Sibelius Violin Concerto is familiar to all the four artists. Tervamäki’s and Martin’s choreography On a string premiered in 2010. The special live version of the work includes a rarely performed adaption of the Concerto that Sibelius made for a violin and a piano.
Finland’s Jean Sibelius (1865-1957) was one of the leading composers of the Romantic era in the arts lasting over 100 years. His influence on the history of Western music does, however, extend beyond the borders of stylistic periods. The Sibelius Violin Concerto has been recorded and performed more than any other Violin Concerto of the 20th century. Almost every violinist of distinction has performed it. The moods and tempos of the dramatic, subtle music swiftly change, and the tensions are strong. At the beginning of the present decade there were over 50 recordings available. On a string uses the highly rhythmic version of the Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra recorded under Leif Segerstam with Pekka Kuusisto as the soloist.
Coreography and dance Kaari Martin, Minna Tervamäki
Violin: Minna Pensola
Piano: Heini Kärkkäinen
Music: Jean Sibelius, Viulukonsertto d-molli, opus 47.
Costume Desingn Erika Turunen
Light Design: Mikko Linnavuori
Make-up Kaisu Hölttä
Photography: Kim Laine
Artistic Director Kamran Shahmardan
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Tickets for the all performances can be bought advance from: /http://www.ticketmaster.fi/
Places of performing:
Culture Centre Virta, Virastokatu 1, 55120, Imatra
Theatre Imatra, Kallenkuja 3, 55100 Imatra
Imatra Central Pedestrian Street Koskenparras, 55100 Imatra
Vuoksi Fishing Park, Kotipolku 5, 55120 Imatra
Organizers reserve the right to changes