The main festival theme –Multiculturalism as the theatrical tradition.
Tuesday 20.5
at 17.00 Koskenparras – Central walking street
Circus Mutabor – for free
Mr Pejo`s Wandering Dolls, Russia
Circus presents us funny clowns, unusual fairy-tale creatures , rock ` n roll dance, ballerina , and a host of other characters . Actors enchant the audience with beautiful masks, mysterious stories and magic in the Best European carnival traditions. Duration: 35 min.
19.00 Teatteri Imatra
A Diary of a Madman/Opening Ceremony 20/15/12€
The Theatre of Black and White/Lappeenranta City Theatre
Directed by: Kamran Shahmardan
Actor: Jarno Kolehmainen
Scenography: Pekka Kettunen
Social tragicomedy ”A diary of a Madman” is produced in collaboration with the Lappeenranta City Theatre.
Originally written by Nikolai Gogol and dramatically directed by Kamran Shahmardan, ”A diary of a Madman” is exploring the inner world of a small official, which admires of his boss and his large property. ”No, he is not an ordinary director! He is a real stateman.” And at the same time he despises the gentle people who were socially below him by title and position. Being sick, he is afraid of aliens and strangers. Our hiro is virtually a mirror of our society, that only exists, relying on the information of ”yellow press” and television. He is certainly waiting for a great career, and perhaps, if God is willing, even more. For that kind of selfish person will progress the illness of a wounded pride. He despises those people who are socially higher than him, and envied them. Same time the desire to be like them intensifies his platonic love to the daughter of the director of department. The illness of unconsciousness leads the hero to a complete internal disorder and madness. He becomes a victim of a personal disturbance, which sends the burnable poison to those who make fun of him and maniacal dream to be like those who have unearned rights and privileges.
The performance is supported by Arts Promotion Centre Finland
Wednesday 21.5
at 8.30 and 9.30 a.m. Linnalan koulu/Linnalan school
Goldfish – 6 €
Banaanikala projektiteater ,Estonia
Pushkin wrote the tale “Goldfish” in 1833. That was the era when literature and music reigned big feelings, era of Romanticism. Waltz celebrated his triumph . Looking parable, the children themselves can answer the questions: Why did the old woman dreaming of the imperial palace ? Or why she was so beautiful clothes need , why she wanted to be queen ? Why such beautiful music , waltzes ? And now , almost 180 years later, people’s desire to remain the same . Duration: 35-45 minutes.
at 17.00 Koskenparras – Central walking street
Circus Mutabor – for free
Mr Pejo`s Wandering Dolls, Russia
Circus presents us funny clowns, unusual fairy-tale creatures , rock ` n roll dance, ballerina , and a host of other characters . Actors enchant the audience with beautiful masks, mysterious stories and magic in the Best European carnival traditions. Duration: 35 min.
19.00 Teatteri Imatra
Coriolanus 25/15 €
Chiten Theatre, Japan
Music composer: Keisuke Sakurai
Actors: Dai Ishida, Satoko Abe, Saki Kohno, Shie Kubota, Yohei Kobayashi,Koji Ogawara on Japan language, with subtitles Duration 2 hours 10 min
Caius Martius, a brilliant Roman general, is given the cognomen of ”Coriolanus” after he conquers Volscian city of Corioli. Howevwe, the exploit is lost because of his hatred and contempt for the people, and the tribune order him to be banished. After being exiled from Rome, Coriolanus allies with his old enemy Aufidius and swear vengeance against Rome. Coriolanus allies with his old enemy Aufidius and swear vengeance against Rome. When the vengeance is nearly completed, Coriolanus`mother Volumnia visits him and succeeds in dissuading her son from destroying Rome. Coriolanus instead concludes a peace treaty between the Volscians and the Romans. When Coriolanus returns to the Volscian capital, Aufidius kill him for his betrayal. The company was invited to Globe to GlobeFestival in London with their first Shakespeare production ”Coriolanus” in 2012.
Thursday 22.5.
at 9.00 Virasojan School
Goldfish – 6 €
Banaanikala projektiteater, Estonia
Pushkin wrote the tale “Goldfish” in 1833. That was the era when literature and music reigned big feelings, era of Romanticism. Waltz celebrated his triumph . Looking parable, the children themselves can answer the questions: Why did the old woman dreaming of the imperial palace ? Or why she was so beautiful clothes need , why she wanted to be queen ? Why such beautiful music , waltzes ? And now , almost 180 years later, people’s desire to remain the same . Duration: 35-45 minutes
at 17.00 Koskenparras / central walking street
A man named … -for free
OddDance theatre, Russia
Theater OddDance performance “A man named…” balances between the real and the fictional worlds. Performance is dedicated to Lewis Carroll, the creator of “Alice in Wonderland.” It is said that after writing “Alice,” he did not continue his literary activity. It is said that Carroll himself ran out of reality into a world of illusions. Duration 50 min.
19.00 Teatteri Imatra
Echolalia 20/15€
Kallo Collective Production
A young woman on the autistic spectrum prepares for a much needed job interview and society’s social norms are put under the spotlight in this “uplifting, very funny and totally optimistic”* clown theatre show by Jen McArthur. *TheatreviewNZ.
Inspired by the different perspectives, struggles and joys of autistic children she worked with, McArthur’s delightful character Echo doesn’t register social niceties, yet wants to be part of the world. Echolalia shares an experienced understanding of high functioning autism, “with touching honesty, sympathy and a huge sense of humour” (The Student, Edinburgh) and does it through gentle and hilarious audience interaction, dance and physical comedy.
“Magnificently performed” 3 Weeks, Edinburgh
” It is something when you can say about a performance that both Samuel Beckett and Charlie Chaplin would have been proud.” *TheatreviewNZ. Echolalia has been exceptionally well received, winning multiple awards and glowing reviews for its unique and breakthrough performances in NZ, Australia and Scotland. The show comes to Imatra as the first part of a European tour until September 2014.
at 22.00 Vuoksi fishing park
A man named… – for free
OddDance theatre, Russia
Theater OddDance performance ”A man named…” balances between the real and the fictional worlds. Performance is dedicated to Lewis Carroll, the creator of “Alice in Wonderland.” It is said that after writing “Alice,” he did not continue his literary activity. It is said that Carroll himself ran out of reality into a world of illusions. Duration 50 min.
Friday 23.5.
at 11.00 a.m Imatra Theatre
Chook and Gek 10 €
Melting Point (RussiaNVT), Figurteatret (Norway)
Immersed in the atmosphere of the performance , each person can return to childish pure perception of the world to rediscover the strength and beauty of simple, familiar from childhood things. Duration: 1 hour 10 minutes. Recommended age over 5 years.
at 17.00 Koskenparras / central walking street
A man named… – for free
OddDance theatre, Russia
Theater OddDance performance “A man named…” balances between the real and the fictional worlds. Performance is dedicated to Lewis Carroll, the creator of “Alice in Wonderland.” It is said that after writing “Alice,” he did not continue his literary activity. It is said that Carroll himself ran out of reality into a world of illusions. Duration 50 min.
19.00 Culture House Virta, Karelia Saal
Dance Theatre Vendetta Mathea & Co, France
Choreography, dance and voice: Vendetta Mathea
Dancers: Surya Berthomieux, Link Berthomieux, Beatrice Debrabant
Music: Tchad
Lights: Lohan & Oliver Caldamaison
Duration 1 hours
HOMME|ANIMAL is the French title of this production. How to translate it? When one says: Man is Animal, there are negative thoughts. These words mean that the Spirit of Man is an Animal, a part of Man that is so precious because this part of Man holds Our Humanity. HOMME|ANIMAL expresses how we fill and act when we move through time and space, seeking to live with our body, mind and soul as one, with energy and instinct. The ballet was first created by experimenting random movements for about five months during the residence at La Manufacture in Aurillac France. Vendetta Mathea says that her strongest inspiration has been the young and powerful talenteddancers that she has been working with. Putting up together movement, structure, music and lights created the philosophy that is being HOMME|ANIMAL.
at 21.00 Hotel Valtionhotelli/ Restaurant “Kellarinravintola”
Energetic girls – 12€
Energetic girls through music tell stories of everyday woman´s life : the ups and downs , boredom , joy, and of course – love. For music stories should be required measurements, so there is something to be said about men. Musical and slightly dramatic presentation is mainly aimed at adults.Lyrics belong to ” energetic girls ” – Pirja Arponen and Minna Mänttäri. Pirja also responsible for some of the musical part. Reima Neuvonen and Antti Kuusi are responsible for another part of writing music and organization of component products.
Saturday 24.5.
at 12.00 Koskenparras / central walking street
A man named… -for free
OddDance theatre, Russia
Theater OddDance performance “A man named…” balances between the real and the fictional worlds. Performance is dedicated to Lewis Carroll, the creator of “Alice in Wonderland.” It is said that after writing “Alice,” he did not continue his literary activity. It is said that Carroll himself ran out of reality into a world of illusions. Duration 50 min.
19.00 Teatteri Imatra
Mortimer and Surface 25/15€
MORTIMER – Creation: Ville Walo, Anne Jämsä
Performer: Ville Walo
Lighting design: Meri Ekola
Lighting operator: Ainu Palmu
Music and sound design: Samuli Kosminen
Programming and projection design: Matti Niinimäki
Set design, costumes and drawings: Anne Jämsä
Choreographic assistance: Jyrki Karttunen
Production: WHS, Kiasma Theatre, Karttunen Kollektiv
Thanks: the Arts Council of Finland, the Finnish Cultural Foundation
Duration approx. 25 minutes
PINTA (SURFACE) – Salla Hakanpää
Concept: Salla Hakanpää & working group
Direction: Ville Walo
Performer: Salla Hakanpää
Sound design: Tuuli Kyttälä
Lighting design: Ainu Palmu
Costumes & stage design: Anne Jämsä
Filming: Teemu Liakka
Film editing: Matias Boettge
Production: Zero Gravity Company, WHS
Co-production: Cirko
Supported by: Alfred Kordelinin säätiö, Taiteen Edistämiskeskus, Uudenmaan Taidetoimikunta, Suomen Kulttuurirahaston Uudenmaan rahasto, Helsingin Kulttuurikeskus
Duration – 35 minutes
MORTIMER: Feather light or deadly serious?
Mortimer plays around with death. Ville Walo’s solo balances between puppet theatre and contemporary circus. An electronic machinery is hidden in the guts of the twisted fairytale. The performance will be now presented in a revised shorter form.
One of us and a rope. Magical images of weightlessness. Surface brushing movement ties our eyes to the rope, suspended by its strong fibres. Reflections ripple on the surfaces, spilling on the spectator’s skin.
“Hakanpää and Walo’s Surface, is a perfectly considered and refined diamond, maybe the most special and original performance with a rope that I’ve ever seen.”
Helsingin Sanomat / Jussi Tossavainen 1.11.2013
T I C K E T S S A L E :
Tickets for the current presentations – Imatra Theatre and Cultural Centre Virta:
Tickets are also available at the local places of performing at least half an hour before the performance.
Ticket prices are: adults / children under 16 years children, students, pensioners, the unemployed.
Temen and UniMan members.
The means of payment are also Smartum and WHP Culture Vouchers
Places of performing:
Teatteri Imatra, Kallenkatu 3, 55100 Imatra
Kulttuuritalo Virta, Virastokatu 1, Imatra
Central walking street Koskenparras, Imatra
Vuoksi Fishing Park
Valtionhotelli, Kellariravntola
School Linnalan koulu, Oppipojanpolku 3, 55100 Imatra
School Virasojan koulu