Theatre Bridge Neva- Saimaa in Imatra 19-23.2.2013.
At the end of winter from 19.02.2013- to 23.02.2012 Imatra host a festival, which was called “Theatre Bridge Neva-Saimaa. It was invented by theatre people from two frontier cities: cultural capital Saint-Petersburg and small Finnish town Imatra, which also carries an active cultural life.
The Idea of the Festival was simple: Neighbors should always maintain good relations, visit each other and give presents even if they are separated by the boarder.
A playbill which consists of six best performances of the XXI century was a present of Saint-Petersburg to Imatra. Such present had a great potential to become a solid foundation for building warm neighborly relations. Theatre, where there is a live and direct contact between people, straight gaze, empathy and compassion, is able to destroy all kinds of obstacles, including language barrier.
Performances which arrived to Imatra in February were currently called the best ones in Saint-Petersburg’s playbills. However, they were different. The festival “Theatre Bridge Neva – Saimaa” is a range of highly artistic theatrical works for everybody born on the banks of the river Neva: from complicated dramatic performances, which are played by Master of world direction, winner of the European Theatre Prize – 2011 (Europe theatre Prize) Andrew Mighty, to tender chamber performances on prose of Sholom Aleichem, from critical youth statements to moving stories for children and choreographic dances in “Contemporary dance” style.
Wednesday (20.2) at 20.00
“Natasha’s Dream” etude- theatre, Ravintola Teatteri, Jukankatu 5
Duration: 1 h. 40 minutes (including one intermission)
Tickets: 10 € / 5 €
“Natasha’s Dream” are two different in form and style performances of the young St. Petersburg theater, where young and talented actors literally scream about the problems of modern society, such as total selfishness, people’s deafness in relation to each other and hopeless loneliness of each individual person.
It is a modern story about children who never grow up, and even after cease to be children physically, they continue to live in the coordinate system of five years old child: I feel bad, it hurts me, I am tired. Natashas do not even realize that they have broken somebody’s lives. It because they still have not discovered that other people are also existing, and that others have the same value as they are.
Thursday (21.2) at 9.00 and 11.00
“The Cat that …” theater “Puppet format», Kosken koulu, Kanavakatu 6
Duration: 50 min.
Tickets: 6 €
“The Cat that …” – elaborate work of the theater of shadow, which is the laureate of dozens of Russian and European festivals of “Puppet format” and performed on the walls of a giant tent.
Thursday (21.02) at 19.00
“Two poor Romanians speaking Polish” etude-theatre, Ravintola Teatteri, Jukankatu 5
Duration: 1h. 30 minutes (without intermission)
Tickets: 10€/ 5€
“ Two poor Romanians speaking Polish” – are two different in form and style performances of the young St. Petersburg theater, where young and talented actors literally scream about the problems of modern society, such as total selfishness, people’s deafness in relation to each other and hopeless loneliness of each individual person.
Compound, thematically intricate story is a look at the problem of understanding between men and women. The main character, Parcha, has an opportunity to find himself and become a true character. By realizing himself thanks to his companion, Gina, he can destroy the dome of insincere, fictitious life that covered him. Only together they can find the necessary harmony. The road along which characters of Polish author, Dorota Maslowska, move is the journey, the path to yourself. Love is revealed only through dialogue.
Friday (22.02) at 18.00
«PRO Turandot” theater “Shelter comedian”, cultural Center “Virta”, Virtastokatu 1
Duration: 3 h. 15 min.
Tickets: 20€/10€
«PRO Turandot” is a fantasy of a leading producer of Saint-Petersburg and Europe Andrei Moguchiy. It is the old Chinese fairy-tale written by Carlo Gozzi and retold by contemporary actors in a new way. Witty acting improvisations in a puff of smoke are executed with a drive, corresponding to rock concerts.
Saturday (23.02) at 15.00
“Main forgot”, such theater, Itytalo, Asemäentie 6
Tickets: 10€/ 5€.
“MAIN FORGOT” is a delicate and recognizable story about love in letters, where there are two people on the stage: a man who can’t live without realization in a big world and a woman who supports a combustion of fireside in the house from the immemorial time.
Saturday (23.02) at 18.00
The leading Saint-Petersburg theatre of modern dance “KANNON DANCE” will play a PREMIERE of performances.
1 section “Children from cages” (Choreography Marina Mascarell (Netherlands). Duration: 30 minutes.
2 section “Come and Go” (on Samuel Beckett’s play) choreography by Natalia Kasparova. Duration: 27 minutes, “Cultural Center” Virta “, Virastokatu 1, over 12 years old , tickets: 14 € / 7 €
Additional Information:
Tickets for performances are sold in Cultural center Virran from 15.1.2013: Lippupalvelu.
Tickets for other performances:
or 046 886 5740 (Russian)
Tickets for children, students, unemployed and retiree is a half of the price.
The organizers have the right to make changes in the program.