12. Black and White Theatre Festival 10.-14.6.2015

The main festival theme – “Laughter through tears”
Artistic Director Kamran Shahmardan
Tickets for the current presentations – Cultural Centre Virta:  www.lippupalvelu.fi

Wednesday 10.6

10.00-14.30 Butoh-course (2 days, 10. and 11.6)
Oddance, Russia
School Kosken koulu

17.00 ja 19.00 LiberteNano, Clown show, Enano-Free Artist, Portugal
Koskenparras, Duration: 45 min, free entrance

Activist Clown presents a variety of different characters and performances for all types of public. Real street clown – fresh, innovative, and spontaneous improviser, he has travelled around the world (has performed in over 200 cities from 43 countries ) communicating with the audience in his own particular language of comedy and gestures. Each show is a new adventure where Enano transforms the street into his own home and the audience into his family.

First time in Finland! Welcome to Enano World!!!

18.00 ja 20.00 Medieval Viking Open-Air Theatre, Digreases Bufoon Theatre, Belarus
Koskenparras, Duration 20 min, free entrance

Digreases Bufoon Theatre takes the astonished public straight to the world of Medieval fairs and colourful street performances. Skilful acrobats, dancers, and jugglers present a stunning show for the whole family, creating the atmosphere of an old town right in the middle of modern Imatra.

21.00 Medieval Fireshow, Digreases Bufoon Theatre, Belarus
Koskenparras, Duration: 15 min, free entrance

22.00 Pequeñas Grandes Hazañas, Circus and Clown Show, Universo Carota, Argentina
Koskenparras, Duration: 45 min, free entrance

“Pequeñas Grandes Hazañas” is a Circus and Clown Show that is designed for all ages and audiences in an universal language.
The show proposes a sensitive view of the world through a delicate and harmless sense of humour. Jonatan Negro, the author of the show, gets easily integrated with the audience through his adorable character “Payaso Carota”, and challenges the world with the great feats he will try to achieve. Comedy, juggling and balance skills will be mixed with the precision of music and some mischief spirit of every street performer.

Carota is a clown that invites the audience to play with him in a hilarious, noble and universal way, and like this stands up for the mythical phrase “You don ́t stop playing because you get old, you get old because you stop playing”.
This solo show was created in 2010 and was presented with great success in different cities of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Peru, Brazil, Europa and Asia.

Thursday 11.6

11.00, 14.00 ja 17.00 LiberteNano, Clown show, Enano-Free Artist, Portugal
Koskenparras, Duration: 45 min, free entrance

12.00 ja 13.30 Medieval Viking Open-Air Theatre, Digreases Bufoon Theatre, Belarus
Koskenparras, Duration 20 min, free entrance

12.30 ja 16.00 Rubber Head, One man show, Otto il Bassotto, Italia
Koskenparras, Duratio: 40 min, free entrance

Otto comes from the Country of Balloons. This is why he transformed rubber into his only source of life. With a rubber face he experiments with the balloons of the most varied forms and sizes, producing incredible tricks. He experiences balloons by comedy magic, improvisation and clowning. Otto wants be the King of Balloon going beyond any limit!

15.00 Pequeñas Grandes Hazañas, Circus and Clown Show, Universo Carota, Argentina
Koskenparras, Duration: 45 min, free entrance

19.00 Culture House Virta,  Karelia Saal, Virtakatu 1, 55120 Imatra
Stravinsky THE WEDDING. THE RITE OF SPRING, Opening 30€/25€.
Theatre Ballet Moscow, Russia
Duration 80 min

Year 2013 is a double anniversary – 100 years of Rite of Spring and 90 years of Wedding. Theatre Ballet Moscow and French choreographer Regis Obadia present contemporary versions of both ballets.

Rite of Spring was created by Regis Obadia in 2003 and that year it was awarded Russian performing arts national theatre award Golden Mask.

The first performance of the Rite of Spring by Sergei Diaghilev’s Russian ballet in 1913 staged by Vaclav Nijinsky was a scandal. The music and, what’s more, the staging appeared to be too unusual. Since that time many choreographers addressed this work interpreting it in their own way.

In the centre of the ballet’s new version is the view of the world of contemporary man. This is a story of a young man “facing the mystery of cognition of woman, cognition of himself,” Obadia said during a meeting with journalists in Moscow. In his show, the protagonist exists in a tough urbanized world devoid of human warmth. “But the existential problems, the inward struggle are the same that in the days of the pagan Rus,” the choreographer stressed.

Stravinsky’s Wedding was also re-constructed by Regis Obadia in a contemporary way. This work is pretty new for Theatre Ballet Moscow and is a full premier of 2012-2013.

21.00 Medieval Fireshow, Digreases Bufoon Theatre, Belarus
Vuoksi Fishing Park, Duration: 15 min, free entrance

21.30 Pequeñas Grandes Hazañas, Circus and Clown Show, Universo Carota, Argentina
Bar & Cafe Lumo, Duration: 45 min, free entrance

Friday 12.6

11.00, 13.00 ja 16.00 Rubber Head, One man show, Otto il Bassotto, Italia
Koskenparras, Duratio: 40 min, free entrance

12.00 Pequeñas Grandes Hazañas, Circus and Clown Show, Universo Carota, Argentina
Koskenparras, Duration: 45 min, free entrance

14.00 ja 17.00 Residual Gurus, street orchestra Residual Gurus Company, Catalonia/Spain
Koskenparras, Duration: 30 min, free entrance

Three upper class executives from the international political-economic arena reach an existential collapse, a point of no-return in their lives. From then on, they experience a metamorphosis through music, embodying values such as Respect, Sustainability and Love. Electronic sounds, rhythmic language from India, original instruments, laughter and theatrical improvisation combine in an unrepeatable collective ritual.

15.00 Medieval Viking Open-Air Theatre, Digreases Bufoon Theatre, Belarus
Koskenparras, Duration 20 min, free entrance

18.00 Circus! Marionette show,  E.Demmeni marionette theatre, Russia
Culture Centrum Virta, Outdoor arena, Duration: 40 min, free entrance

19.00 and 21.00 Culture House Virta,  Karelia Saal, Virtakatu 1, Imatra
ART of Movement , 3D dance, 17/11€
Kannon Dance, Russia / Billy Cowie, England
Duration 40 min

On Friday, 12.06., the Culture Centre Virta invites everyone to the Night of Arts and to the one of the most unusual performances of the festival – 3D stereoscopic dance show “Art of Movement”. The creators of the show bring the audience closer to artists and the magnificent world of dance by successfully combining the modern technology of 3D videos and the stunning choreography on stage, engaging both the audience and the dancers into the miraculous visual world. During the performance the dancers present 122 various choreographic techniques in the most impressing way.

20.00 Rubber Head, One man show, Otto il Bassotto, Italia
Culture Centrum Virta, Outdoor arena, Duration: 40 min, free entrance

22.00 Old photography, butoh dance, Oddance, Russia
Culture Centrum Virta, Outdoor arena, Duration: 40 min, free entrance

Look attentively at an old photo. There is the presence of people there.

The immobility of figures and silhouettes start to sound like an overture for a play. Gradually an invisible architecture of relationships between people on the picture emerges. And then comes the moment when the border between the image and the reality bursts, the human figures come to life, their relationships and motivations become visible. That’s how they used to develop an old photo, that’s how a negative transformed into a positive.

The internal chronicle looks from eternity.

23.30 Medieval Fireshow, Digreases Bufoon Theatre, Belarus
Vuoksi Fishing Park Duration: 15 min, free entrance

Saturday 13.6

11.00, 17.00 ja 19.00 Rubber Head, One man show, Otto il Bassotto, Italia
Koskenparras, Duration: 40 min, free entrance

13.20  Residual Gurus, street orchestra Residual Gurus Company, Catalonia/Spain
By Imatrankoski rapids, Duration: 30 min, free entrance

14.00-14.45 Opening ofI Imatrankoski Rapids Show  season 2015, Taidekoski

15.00 Circus! Marionett show,  E.Demmeni marionette theatre, Russia
Koskenparras, Duratio:n 40 min, free entrance

16.00 Medieval Viking Open-Air Theatre, Digreases Bufoon Theatre, Belarus
Koskenparras, Duration 20 min, free entrance

18.00 Pequeñas Grandes Hazañas, Circus and Clown Show, Universo Carota, Argentina
Koskenparras, Duration: 45 min, free entrance

20.00 Residual Gurus, street orchestra Residual Gurus Company, Catalonia/Spain
Koskenparras, Duration: 30 min, free entrance

21.00 Suitcases butoh dance, Oddance, Russia
Koskenparras,  Duration: 40 min, free entrance

All dancers are carrying suitcases, There is a lot of “useful” things inside, some of them most important, some of them forgotten, unknown or precious.

 When the time is right they will begin to open suitcases. Some of them are founding nothing, or will be surprised by what is inside. Some of them will feel that they must throw these things away for some reason or without visible or understandable cause, some of them will left the suitcase, to go away, they will leave the past, and will become free. All this is going to happen  among people and audience.

22.00 Medieval Fireshow, Digreases Bufoon Theatre, Belarus
Koskenparras, Duration: 15 min, free entrance

Sunday 14.6 

12.00 Medieval Viking Open-Air Theatre, Digreases Bufoon Theatre, Belarus
Koskenparras, Duration 20 min, free entrance

13.00 and 16.00 Residual Gurus, street orchestra Residual Gurus Company, Catalonia/Spain
Koskenparras, Duration: 30 min, free entrance

14.00 Suitcases, buto dance, Oddance, Russia
Koskenparras, Duration: 40 min, free entrance

15.00 Medieval Fireshow, Digreases Bufoon Theatre, Belarus
Koskenparras, Duration: 15 min, free entrance

15.00 I want, musical about love, 18€/23€
Asemapaikka, Duration, 1h 40 min

17.00 Pequeñas Grandes Hazañas, Circus and Clown Show, Universo Carota, Argentina
Koskenparras, Duration: 45 min, free entrance

19.00 Culture House Virta,  Karelia Saal
OLÉ – Latin Music & Flamengo Comedy 27/24€.
Paul Morocco, Guillermo De Endaya, and Marcial Heredia, Spain/England
Duration 2 hours

The energetic, unique and unforgettable comedy show OLÉ  is a perfect mix of hot Flamenco and the rythms of Latin music. The performance is created by Paul Morocco (USA), with Guillermo de Endayan (SPAIN) and Marcial Heredian (SPAIN), true artists and outstanding comedians. The show masterfully combines familiar motives of salsa and flamenco with three amigos on the stage spitting and juggling ping pong balls. It is a surreal combination of circus, comedy, flamenco and inspirational melodies of salsa, swing, blues, jazz and pop.
This show comes to Finland for the first time. OLÉ show by Paul Morocco, with Guillermo de Endayan (SPAIN) and Marcial Heredian (SPAIN)
And so the story begins…
This story begins deep in Andalucia, where in “Los Mosquitos” village there lived three brothers. The days were hot..and the nights were hot as well. One of these hot nights all chickens in the village are stolen by banditos! It was long ago and since then the three amigos travel across the world, armed with their hot guitars, crazy dances, and ping pong balls, search the stolen chickens and fight the banditos.
““Ole”, the Adrenalin Show, is one of the most high energy original, funny, and spectacular performances that will surprise and excite the unsuspecting audience from the moment they step on stage to the last standing member.” Daily Telegraph, UK
Paul Morocco and his Amigos are real masters of comedy, flamenco and dance. Their guitars are hot, pockets are filled with ping pong balls and souls are full of songs. They entertain, amaze and take the audience into a surreal journey to the world of flamenco, fast dancing rythmes and crazy laugh. No wonder this show is known and loved in many countries.
OLÉ is a perfect mix of flamenco, salsa, swing, blues, jazz, and pop. Three Latin Machos take the comedy to the new level of absurd and funny, playing and throwing their guitars, spitting ping pong balls and inviting the spectators to probably the craziest, loudest and the most engaging celebration they ever had.

 T I C K E T S  S A L E :

Tickets for the current presentations – Cultural Centre Virta:  www.lippupalvelu.fi
Tickets are also available at the local places of performing at least half an hour before the performance.
Ticket prices are: adults / children under 16 years children, students, pensioners, the unemployed, TeMe and Unima members.
The means of payment are also Smartum and Tyky Culture Vouchers Places of performing:

Places of performing:
Culture Centre Virta, Virastokatu 1, 55120
Imatra Central walking street Koskenparras, 55100 Imatra
Vuoksi Fishing Park (Kalastuspuisto), Kotipolku 4, 55120  Imatra
Imatrankoski Market Square, 55100 Imatra
Park Inkeri (Inkerinaukio), Imatrankoskentie 1, 55100 Imatra

Changes are possible
You can become a member of support of The Black and White Theatre Association   Mielipuolen päiväkirja16, kuva Ari Nakari